UsMan's WoRkSpAce

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

cvs (concurrent versions system) is used for keeping track of file versions. Below are its features and useful commands:

*** cvs uses revisions and releases terminology instead of versions. Revision refers to versions of a file and release refers to versions of a project.
*** cvs project is a single development project constrained within a single directory. All development files are within this directory. cvs is an excellent version tool for multiple files.
*** cvs keeps all revisions of a file in a repository which can be over a network via a SSH connection. Repository can be initialized by 'cvs -d [directory] init' command
*** A new project can be created by 'cvs import [name] [name] initial' command. It has to be run within the working directory.
*** Before modification, files have to be checked out using 'cvs checkout [project name]. The command will create working directory within current directory.
*** After modification, files can be checked in using 'cvs commit' command within working directory. CVS directory within working directory contains cvs administrative information.
*** Sometimes files cannot be checked-in as other user has already checked-in a different check-out file. Manual modifications of files within working directory may be required in such cases
*** CVSROOT environment variable can be set to repository directory path
*** It is possible to checkout a particular revision of a file using '-r' command option or a file of a particular day by using '-D' option
*** New files can be added by using 'add' option and remove using 'remove' option


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