UsMan's WoRkSpAce

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Problem solving and decision making

Five problem scenarios and associate tools to resolve them are listed below:

1) Complex and/or confusion situation requires clustered and systems (loop) thinking. Clustered thinking requires coming up with possible causes and grouping them in groups (clusters) Clusters are then linked to understand deep lying causes.
2) Something has gone wrong. Failure analysis is used for finding immediate cause, which is functional failure. FA is a five-D process, involving defining a problem, describing a problem, determining possible causes, destroying weak hypothesis and developing action plans. A three-C approach to define changes, contrast and characteristics helps to identify possible causes. A matrix matching possible causes against questions (what, where, when & who) helps in this regard.
Root cause is due to organizational issues, which is resolved by cause and effect tool such as the five why's methodology. Solution has to be provided for each why.
3) Making a choice requires decision making. Effecting decision making requires stating a purpose, defining performance requirements (both critical and relevant), picking an option and doing risk assessment and finally proposing an action plan.
4) Something might go wrong. Problems are avoided by failure prevention planning, which lists down both protection and prevention plans. Mission, objectives and success indicators are also mentioned in the plan.
5) Improving current performance requires creative thinking for generating new ideas. Four approaches can be employed. Random item involves listing random words or phrases and linking them with the given situation to create ideas. Ideal situation requires considering an ideal scenario regardless of resource constraints. Contextual transposition requires visioning a change in culture and values. Whereas iteration approach means defining new context in terms of achievements.
Implementing a change is also included in this problem definition. Force field analysis is used to identify helping and hindering forces. These forces are marked according to their potency and then action plans are devised to strengthen helping forces and weaken hindering forces.


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